创立以来,作为中国资深民营勘察设计企业秉承严求实的一贯传统,依托自身技术力量与合作资源,在化工、生物、石油化工及民用建筑等多个领域,以云南为基础并辐周边地区改致力于为当地产业技术和生活水平发展以及实现企业自身的自我价值而不懈努力。公司持有建筑工程行业乙级资质、化工石化医药(化工工程)专业乙级资质、 压力管道GB1 、GC2、GC3设计资质 以及工程咨询乙级资质。
作为云南省勘察设计协会副理事长单位、专家组成员。昆明兰德设计有限公司汇集了众多国际注册高级经理人为核心、28位高级工程师及43位注册工程师为技术骨干组成的复合型专业人才队伍,组成了国际技术合作投资咨询、建筑、化工石化医药、生物工程等行业的分公司、设计室。出色地完成了2000余项工程设计、项目管理等工作,在国内外各类工程建设中作出了重要贡献。其优良的业绩均得到了社会各界的高度肯定。在云南省内无论民用建筑、地产开发或是石化工程、生物制药等诸多领域所取得业绩闻名遐迩 特别引以为傲的是:承接了联合国援建设工程,以出色成果荣获联合国“设计精巧; 独创风格”奖旗,为中国同行业唯一荣获联合国奖旗的优秀企业
KUNMING LAND DESIGN CO., LTD . is the chinese senior private owned survey design enterprise and was established 25 years ago, with the qualification of architecture and construction, chemical petrifaction medicine industry design and the decoration, and civil engineering consultation, the project general contracts, 2,000 engineering designs and project managements have been finished, the company is the only outstanding enterprise which honored to receive the United Nations award banner in Chinese industry.
This company with core talents of 12 international registered senior managers and with compound specialized talents of 28 senior engineers and 43 registered engineers. 29 subsidiary companies (design firms) have been founded which engaged in international technical cooperation, investment consultation, architecture and construction, chemical petrifaction medicine, bio-engineering For many years, our companies have made the important contribution in domestic and foreign engineering construction and have obtained great achievement, such as the modern business centre with national style has built in Dali heqin, traveling city strategy planning in Lijiang have been launched (invest 7.1 billion), Yunnan rubber base construction, well-known Kunming Guanshang central trade area development, Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi petroleum base, the biggest Yunnan textile mill in southwest, large quantities of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants GMP reaching standard, planning for Qujing large-scale coal industry base, well-known anti- cancer natural medicine Paclitaxel base construction, international Laos Wan Xiang hotel construction, Viet pharmaceutical manufacturing plant construction, the south base construction of domestic large-scale calcium carbonate road, domestic major industry phosphoric acid (Jiangyin) base construction, the biggest solid wood processing factory in China, the biggest greatly supercritical liquid state CO2 biology pharmaceutical factory construction, and several million square meters real estate development etc. the company have obtained society’s higher appraisal, which had honor to receive the design is exquisite, reputation spread in Chuncheng, earnest and responsible, the service is fine, the credit-worthy organization, god of the design and kinds of award banner; what is specially proud is we designed and constructed well-known Kunming Southeast Asia restaurant construction projects which UN helped to construct. Because of outstanding achievement, we honored to receive award banner of the design is exquisite and the style is creative from the United Nations. The achievements above are the masterpiece in industry; This Company is the expert group member and council unit of Yunnan Survey and Design Association.
Therefore, when you select a company to do the look of investment consultation, general plan, project general contact, project management partner in China, Kunming LAND DESIGN CO., LTD. will be your sincere consultant and reliable friend. |